WAVE5®: Compass

by IQBody LLC

Health & Fitness


WAVE5®: Compass addresses your body’s imbalances so you can live your best life. Our short,instructive videos give you knowledge and power to target pain and improve performance inover 25 body regions. Compass provides scores of expert-led, customizable muscle and jointcare sessions.The WAVE5 app works together with the WAVE5 multi-tool to enable you to respond to painand discomfort in muscles and joints when you need it. Rediscover your natural balancethrough our interactive, personalized experience. Compass guides your personalized self-care experience. WAVE5 techniques offer a unique approach to self-applied pressure to help relieve muscle andjoint pain. Predicated on self-myofascial release, our step-by-step videos target the musclesaffected by–and contributing to–your imbalance. Muscular Imbalances typically have morethan one cause, so we offer multiple paths to help you find—and ultimately target—the source.Not every path is intuitive and many times requires focusing outside of the targeted area andinto another. Our post-session feedback asks how you feel, and our post-session recommendations take theguesswork out of your next steps. We navigate the journey around your body from one ache orpain to another. Compass makes your self-muscle care convenient.Our easy interface asks you to point to the muscle or joint where you hurt. Then, you will learnhow to hydrate that muscle or joint from the inside out to relieve the pain. Set up your profile, and we record your Muscle Hydration® history so you can keep track of your progress. If yourun out of time while targeting an area, our “Continue Previous Muscle Hydration” optionallows you to work into and around your busy schedule. We are your on demand self-musclecare when you need it most.Features:  Offers expert-led muscle and joint care videos Targets over 25 body regions  Customizes the path around your body to reduce aches and pains  Provides tutorials on self-care techniques  Gives post-session recommendations on where to target next  Stores history of user muscle hydration